ASTRA: ActionScript Toolkit for Rich Applications

By | December 21, 2007

I followed a link to ASTRA from Flashbookmarks.
Strangely I never heard about ASTRA althrough I already knew Yahoo! had a Flash developer center.

So what is ASTRA? Well,

ASTRAASTRA, the ActionScript Toolkit for Rich Applications, is Yahoo!’s collection of Flash and Flex components, libraries, toolkits and advanced applications. These libraries are open-source and available under the BSD license.

You will find some:

Flash CS3 Components Library:

  • Tree
  • Menu
  • TabBar
  • AutoComplete [Nice!]
  • Charts [Nice!]
  • Flash Kit:

    The Badge Kit is an XML-based framework for rapid development of small interactive Flash applications. You can learn how to use the Badge Kit very quickly, and most of the usage scenarios require no knowledge of Flash.

    So that is not so much for us…

    Web APIs Library

    Yahoo! AS3 API libraries are a set of wrapper tools that facilitate access to Yahoo!’s Web APIs from Flex and Flash. These libraries create an abstraction layer above the communication protocols used by Yahoo! servers, enabling Flash and Flex developers to send and retrieve data without any additional parsing. The AS3 libraries are easy to install and all accessible methods are fully documented. These libraries are open source and available under the BSD license.

    Libraries available by now:

  • Yahoo! Answers AS3 API
  • Yahoo! Weather AS3 API
  • Yahoo! Search AS3 API
  • Yahoo! AS3 API
  • Yahoo! Maps AS3 Communication Kit
  • Interesting, isn’t it?


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