My First Two Weeks At Microsoft

By | August 18, 2008

Just a quick post about my first weeks at Microsoft…

I have now been at Microsoft Unified Communication for two weeks and my first impression is really positive. The team spririt is great, people are always open to help, respectful and very friendly. Most important they love to party and they party hard 🙂 Microsoft is really a great place to work at!

My job as a SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test), by now is doing manual testing on the product and next week I’ll start coding (in C#) some automated test for our API. I’m working on a branch of OCS (Office Communication Server):  

Office Communications Server 2007 manages all real-time (synchronous) communications including: instant messaging, VoIP, audio and video conferencing. It works with existing tele-communications systems, so business can deploy advanced VoIP and conferencing without tearing out their legacy phone networks.

I have learned a lot during this two weeks and I’m very happy to have close contact with cmd.exe, my first experiment on programming was in QBasic (a DOS language) years ago and I was sure that it would help me once, obviously now that I have a better english and some years in programming it looks much more simple 🙂



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