Nomades Advanced Technologies Interactive Workshop

By | March 28, 2007

Open Web 2.0, technologies, strategies and challenges:

NATIW is a Think Tank focusing on information systems and communication technologies. It aims at anticipating technological evolution and identifying emerging needs and opportunities in the information society.

NATIW is a project of Nomades Ateliers, which has been active in the field of information technologies and communication since 1989. Nomades always promoted the broadening of competences through interdisciplinary exchange and knowledge sharing.

NATIW’s activity is targeted at professionals willing to position themselves ahead of the market as well as anyone interested in assessing the impact and potential of information technologies in their fields.

NATIW offers consulting services as well as workshops & seminars with experts from various fields ranging from computer science to economics, passing by architecture, humanities and communication.

NATIW’s workshops and seminars are aimed at professionals willing to consolidate their technological and strategical understanding of new technologies and learn more about their impact on the economy and society.


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