An incredible week

By | April 24, 2007

This week was the most thrilling of my live, all begun with a move from our old and little flat to an other one, much nicer and bigger. Then I presented my license thesis, were I had a correct result (5.5 / 6) and finally (and the best part) I had my wedding with my dreamed wife. After spending eleven year together (from 15 to 26) it was really time for us to get married ☺

But it’s not finish… We are waiting a little baby girl for the month of June ☺

Céline, I Love You!

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4 thoughts on “An incredible week

  1. Julia

    Salut! Avec tout ce mouvement de la semaine derniere, je n’ai meme pas pu te feliciter pour ton mariage (et aussi pour ton memoire) alors BRAVO. Tu nous as quand meme manque au seminaire OpenWeb 2.0.. Bref, encore un fois felicitation et on espere te voir bientôt aux ateliers..
    A +
    Julia et tout le NATIW team!

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