Making a perlin sound AS3 depending on a sound spectrum

By | January 27, 2007

AUGG logo The January session of the AUGG (Adobe User Group Geneva) was the first workshop made by the group. Thierry presented us Flex 2.0 by making some nice example (code to come). I presented a fast introduction to AS3 by showing & explaining the code of my Perlin Sound Spectrum Visualizer (example 1, example 2). Here’s the code I presented, it’s slightly different from the two precedent examples.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”500″ width=”600″ /]

Warm thanks to the Nomades (specially to Haim) for hosting our meeting 🙂
If you are interested by some more AS3 tutorials, I’ve made a few video tutorial about actionscript 3.0.


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