Category Archives: Tutorials

New Actionscript 3 tutorials

Tomorrow, I’ll have my last exam for this year, and then finish for University for some month 😉 During the last 3 month I haven’t published any new video tutorial about Flash CS3, but they are coming soon! One will be about interacting with a Database, the other will be about interaction between javascript and… Read More »

Clearing the Flash CS3 Cache & Playing MP3

I’ve been doing some server side interaction with Flash CS3 today and had notice that the cache wouldn’t clear automatically… Too bad for debugging. The solution is as old as Flash itself: just give a random number to the URL called ( and Flash will reload the files completely. My test of today was about… Read More »

Tracking mouse leaving the Flash Player (AS3)

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”200″ width=”300″ /] Actionscript 3.0 allow us to detect easily when the mouse leave the Flash Player, making it possible to avoid strange behavior of our clip. For example during “drag and drop” it can be useful to know when the mouse leave the stage. To do this you just have to use… Read More »

Flex test-drive for Java developers

Are you a Java developers with no knowledge in Flex ? Well it’s a shame 😉 But there is sometings you can do, in the Adobe Developer Center there is a great article about using Flex with a Java backend. Read article from Christophe Coenraets at Adobe Ahmet   0 Kudos Don'tmove!