A son, a new job and a relocation

There have been quite a lot going on in my life the past months, following the timeline of the events: Most importantly, my wife gave birth to a healthy and beautiful son, named Baptiste. He is already quite tall and is wearing 3 month cloth after only 1 month of life :). Few weeks before,… Read More »

Impersonation with C#

.Net offers multiple ways to manage impersonation and its level. The important point to understand is what is being impersonated: the thread or the process also is the impersonation happening on the process or is it happening only on the network. Below classes will show you how to impersonate in all this cases. First class:… Read More »

Signing Off on Quality

As a tester, quality is what matter most to me. Interestingly, quality is pretty much the hardest thing to evaluate. One way, which I find useful, is to aggregate the metrics from multiple aspects of quality to have an overall view. Some important aspects of quality: Reliability Functionality Usability Efficiency Maintainability Portability Learnability Analyzability Testability… Read More »

Siri, the mobile personal assistant

This mobile personal assistant looks awesome! Unfortunately, for business model reason (the application is free and make money on referrals fees whenever someone buy through the service), the service works only in the US… Interesting interview to watch with the Siri CEO and VP engineering. Still is a great application to have on your pocket… Read More »